Conference Presentations
“This Is A Demand: Linguistic Justice In The Virtual Classroom.” Digital Humanities, Critical Pedagogies. Presenter. Modern Language Association. Online. January 2024.
Emerging Approaches To Global English: Learning, Using, Teaching, Judging. Panel Moderator. Modern Language Association. Online. January 2024.
"Transnationalizing Italian Digital Rhetorical Studies." American Association For Italian Studies. Fort Worth, TX. May 2023.
"Nei racconti, la vita sporge non sulla chiarezza ma sull oscuritá: An Analysis of Elena Ferrante’s My Brilliant Friend TV Series." American Association For Italian Studies. Fort Worth, TX. May 2023.
“Linguistic Justice Through Translingual Digital Media.” Global Society of Online Educators. Online. January 2022.
“Toward a Queer Phenomenology of Global English.” Modern Language Association. Online. January 2022.
“'We Consciousness' and Critical Professional Literacy." Conference on College Composition and Communication. Los Angeles, California. December 2020.
“You think this class pays the bills?”: Investigating the meaning (or myth?) of “College Ready” in the 21st Century Higher Ed Classroom. Conference on College Composition and Communication. Milwaukee, Wisconsin. March 2020.
"Using WAC Toward Sustainable Citizenship for Working-Class Students in the Academy." Northeast Modern Language Association. Boston, Massachusetts. March 2020.
“Conversations Across the Hall: Engaging Beyond the Composition/Literature Divide.” Panel Chair. Northeast Modern Language Association. Boston, Massachusetts. March 2020.
“Interdisciplinarity and Its Implications for Equitable Education in Composition Studies.” CCCCs Sponsored Session. Modern Language Association. Chicago, Illinois. January 2019.
"Transnational Neoplitanitá." Transnationalism and Questions of Identity Conference. CUNY John D. Calandra Italian American Institute. New York, New York. November 2018.
“Critical Workplace Literacy.” SUNY Council On Writing Conference. Farmingdale, New York. October 2018.
“Productive Paradoxes: Bridging Old and New in the Composition Classroom.” Northeast Modern Language Association. Pittsburgh, Pennslvania. April 2018.
“Cultural Translation and Digital Pedagogy.” Critical Theory Conference. Center for the Humanities. The Graduate Center, CUNY. May 2016.
“Deconstructing Lingua Franca and the Global Village”: Neoliberal Policies, Lingua Franca, and Multilingualism. Modern Language Association. Austin, Texas. January 2016.
“The Land of Hope and Dreams?”: Working Class Students and Digital Humanities. Modern Language Association. Austin, Texas. January 2016.
“Farther Away from Home Than Ever Believed: The Tensions Between and Coercion of Non-Standard Englishes and Academic Registers”. Conference on the Teaching of Writing: Writing as Translation. University of Connecticut. Storrs, Connecticut. March 2015.
“Working Through Environmental Unlikeness: Ecology and Nature in the Humanities.” Moderator, St. John’s University Graduate English Conference. St. John’s University. April 2014.
“Translingualism in the Writing Center.” American Comparative Literature Association. New York University. March 2014.
“Becoming Critically Conscious: First Generation Reflections from the Writing Center.” Northeast Writing Center Association Conference. Bryant College. March 2014.
“Using Other to Teach Multicultural Students.” Long Island ESOL Conference. Molloy College, April 2012.
“E Pluribus Unum: Questioning Cultural Myths to Create Sustainable Readers and Writers.” SUNY Council on Writing Conference. Fashion Institute of Technology. March 2012.
“Italian American Women Writers.” Italian American Experience Lecture Series. Hofstra University. March 2012.